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AAnonymouscolor does not match with the image displayed and few concerns on the finish at leg shoes. Quality is good
MMD EJAZ KHANThe product was very nice and strong. Nilkamal product quality is very good
AArbaz AliThis is the kind of excellent and affordable furniture one would expect from a brand like Nilkamal. It has been a household staple for us for many years. We always buy plastic chairs from Nilkamal because of the assured quality they provide.
However, the color was a bit mismatch. It is not as light a brown as shown in the picture. The ones we got were a bit darker shade of brown.
Having said that, they are nice and sturdy and go well with our living room decor
KKanimoli SingaraveluThe color of the chair is light brown and not like pear wood as shown in picture.
DDr DenisI had purchased 4 Nilkamal chairs about 2 decades ago. They are still there and the looks are good. Now when I purchased this 6 chairs I am happy you have maintained the same quality and standards. Keep it up and keep serving the nation.
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- Bed Room